Have you ever looked at a picture and wondered what the artist was thinking when he/she painted it? Did you notice the tones of the colors? Perhaps, you noticed the direction of the paint strokes? If you answered yes to any of these question, then you have done your own visual art analysis.
Visual analysis is used to identify and comprehend the approach the artist made in creating the piece of art. The analysis is also used to address an artwork's formal elements such as texture, lines, color, and size. By gaining an understanding of the separate parts of the art piece, you can come to a better understanding of the piece of art as a whole. Take a moment and analyze the picture below. Look for lines, textures and color.
This video clip further breaks down the fundamentals of art analysis. It is not only a great cultural benefit, but it can also be very helpful in your career. During a visual analysis, you must look closely at the art and translate your observation into written claim. Consider these three guidelines when completing an analysis: 1) Observe the artwork and make note of what you see, 2) Formulate a main claim, and 3) Support your claim with details. These guidelines will help you to precisely pick out all the elements necessary to complete a thorough visual art analysis and may also aid in analyzing other situations in life.
I might just have to use this next semester!! Thanks